“Ten Weeks” is a captivating short film that stands as a testament to the collaborative efforts between Iran and the UK in the realm of filmmaking. This remarkable production has garnered widespread recognition, having been selected for esteemed film festivals such as London Lift-Off and Paris Lift-Off.

Its outstanding storytelling and artistic merits have also been acknowledged, with notable achievements including an award and excellence in the prestigious Canada Short Film Festival.

The film, written by the talented Mehdi Mirbagheri, weaves a compelling narrative that delves into the complexities of human emotions, relationships, and personal growth. With a thought-provoking screenplay, “Ten Weeks” explores themes of love, loss, and self-discovery, resonating deeply with audiences across cultural boundaries.

Under the skillful direction of Reza Shademan, the film comes to life through visually striking cinematography, capturing the essence of the characters’ journeys with finesse. Shademan’s distinct directorial vision elevates the storytelling, infusing the narrative with evocative imagery and nuanced performances that leave a lasting impact.

“Ten Weeks” serves as a testament to the power of cross-cultural collaboration in filmmaking, blending the creative talents of both Iranian and British artists. It showcases the richness and diversity of perspectives, offering audiences a unique and compelling cinematic experience.With its selection in esteemed festivals and recognition through awards and excellence, “Ten Weeks” stands as a testament to the film’s remarkable quality and its ability to captivate and engage viewers on an international stage. This short film serves as a testament to the talents of Mehdi Mirbagheri, Reza Shademan, and the entire collaborative team behind its creation, leaving an indelible mark on the world of cinema.